


TV Show
896 (36 ratings)
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The leader of a boyband and an entertainment reporter are forced into many outrageous situations after they switched bodies. Jiang Yi is a big star in the entertainment industry. He is the cold and distant leader of a popular boy band. In reality, he ...


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  • First Published – 6/25/2021
  • Episodes – 26
  • Seasons – 1
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    glacialclip rated 开端 as equally easy as 变成你的那一天

    glacialclip rated 撒野 as equally easy as 变成你的那一天

    glacialclip rated 招惹 as equally easy as 变成你的那一天


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    Straightforward daily life language and mostly clear speech makes this a fairly easy drama to understand.

    I really enjoyed this drama! Well-paced and absolutely hilarious, especially the ML, who captures the FL’s mannerisms perfectly when they’re body...

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