

TV Show
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The Rational Life (Chinese: 理智派生活) is a Chinese romantic drama series. It is adapted from the comic novel "Alpha Code" ("阿尔法守则"). Officially released in Suzhou on September 28, 2020, and completed on January 8, 2021. The series aired in the Youth Pro ...


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glacialclip rated 理智派生活 as equally easy as 开端

glacialclip rated 理智派生活 as equally easy as 撒野

glacialclip rated 好事成双 as equally easy as 理智派生活

glacialclip rated 炽道 as equally easy as 理智派生活

glacialclip rated 爱情而已 as equally easy as 理智派生活

glacialclip rated 爱很美味 as equally easy as 理智派生活

glacialclip rated 理智派生活 as easier than 问心

glacialclip rated 招惹 as equally easy as 理智派生活


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