

TV Show
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The maid in charge, Shen Yan, has assisted the Seventh Prince Chu Ning Yuan in seizing the heir since she was a child. The two, who also had tragic experiences, became cold-hearted in order to seek revenge and seize power. They are used to seeing the ...


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  • First Published – 4/27/2023
  • Episodes – 30
  • Seasons – 1
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    glacialclip rated 东栏雪 as harder than 炽道

    glacialclip rated 东栏雪 as harder than 开端

    glacialclip rated 东栏雪 as harder than 兰闺喜事

    glacialclip rated 东栏雪 as easier than 古相思曲

    glacialclip rated 东栏雪 as harder than 好事成双

    glacialclip rated 东栏雪 as harder than 撒野

    glacialclip rated 穿书自救指南 as equally easy as 东栏雪

    glacialclip rated 东栏雪 as easier than 陈情令

    glacialclip rated 东栏雪 as harder than 爱情而已

    glacialclip rated 爱很美味 as easier than 东栏雪

    glacialclip rated 东栏雪 as harder than 招惹


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    Based on 1 review

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    At 3 minutes per episode, this mini drama doesn’t have room to flesh out the characters and plot, however that makes it an easy show to follow along for learners looking to get more exposure to historical style language. Visually beautiful and very f...

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