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1008 (33 ratings)
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All his life, Duan Yu Cheng has had only one dream: to become a world-class high jumper. Unfortunately, his height has made achieving this dream all but impossible. Or it would, if he were any other athlete. Being the high-spirited young man that he ...


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  • First Published – 10/27/2022
  • Episodes – 26
  • Seasons – 1
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    glacialclip reached 26 / 26 episodes  on Sat Jun 08 2024

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    glacialclip rated 炽道 as equally easy as 开端

    glacialclip rated 偷偷藏不住 as easier than 炽道

    glacialclip rated 东栏雪 as harder than 炽道

    glacialclip rated 消失的孩子 as easier than 炽道

    glacialclip rated 炽道 as harder than 兰闺喜事

    glacialclip rated 炽道 as easier than 古相思曲

    glacialclip rated 炽道 as equally easy as 我的小确幸

    glacialclip rated 炽道 as equally easy as 撒野

    glacialclip rated 爱情而已 as equally easy as 炽道

    glacialclip rated 好事成双 as equally easy as 炽道

    glacialclip rated 反击罗曼史 as easier than 炽道

    glacialclip rated 炽道 as equally easy as 理智派生活

    glacialclip rated 炽道 as equally easy as 下一站是幸福

    glacialclip rated 炽道 as easier than 陈情令

    glacialclip rated 漫长的季节 as harder than 炽道

    glacialclip rated 穿越火线 as equally easy as 炽道

    glacialclip rated 炽道 as easier than 问心

    glacialclip rated 招惹 as easier than 炽道

    glacialclip rated 汉化日记 as harder than 炽道


    Based on 1 review


    Based on 1 review

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    Similar difficulty as most modern romance dramas, with the addition of sport/track-specific vocabulary. Several characters also speak quickly with slurred speech and slang, however this shouldn’t detract from overall understanding of the story.

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