


931 (49 ratings)
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🦊 A simple story about a young fox spirit who leaves the mountain for the first time to seek a human man to seduce. Short and simple sentences with a few simple descriptions. There are a few fantasy and historical terms that will be a little challe ...


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  • First Published – 11/21/2022
  • Unique Wordcount – 900
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    Dae rated 不是正經狐狸精 as equally easy as 小狐狸

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    Luelle rated 不是正經狐狸精 as easier than 判官

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    Dae rated 秃秃大王 as easier than 不是正經狐狸精

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    Luelle rated 社交温度 as equally easy as 不是正經狐狸精

    Dae rated 流星蝴蝶剑 as equally easy as 不是正經狐狸精

    Dae rated 不是正經狐狸精 as easier than 小九

    Dae rated 杀手他失业了 as equally easy as 不是正經狐狸精

    moji rated 不是正經狐狸精 as easier than 开端

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    Dae rated 不是正經狐狸精 as easier than 山河令

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