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判官这一脉曾经有过一位祖师爷,声名显赫现在却无人敢提,提就是他不得好死。 只有闻时还算守规矩,每日拜着祖师青面獠牙、花红柳绿的画像,结果拜来了一位病歪歪的房客。 房客站在画像前问:这谁画的? 闻时:我。 …… 别问,问就是感动。


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spodds rated 同一屋檐下 as easier than 判官

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spodds rated 君子盟 as harder than 判官

spodds rated 七爷 as harder than 判官

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spodds rated 天官赐福 as harder than 判官

spodds rated 秦岭神树 as easier than 判官

Luelle rated 不是正經狐狸精 as easier than 判官

Luelle rated 汉化日记 as easier than 判官

Luelle rated 穿书自救指南 as harder than 判官

spodds rated 无证之罪 as easier than 判官

spodds rated 坏小孩 as easier than 判官

spodds rated 回来的女儿 as easier than 判官

Luelle rated 不是正经狐狸精 as easier than 判官

spodds rated 雪山飞狐 as harder than 判官

Wolfi rated 放学等我 as easier than 判官

Wolfi rated 天官赐福 as equally easy as 判官

spodds rated 天涯客 as harder than 判官

spodds rated 繁城之下 as harder than 判官

spodds rated 苍兰诀 as easier than 判官

spodds rated 开端 as easier than 判官

Luelle rated 猎罪图鉴 as equally easy as 判官

spodds rated 猎罪图鉴 as easier than 判官

spodds rated 陈情令 as equally easy as 判官

spodds rated 唐朝诡事录 as easier than 判官

spodds rated 穿书自救指南 as easier than 判官

Luelle rated 做树真的好难 as easier than 判官

Luelle rated 两不疑 (No Doubt in Us) as equally easy as 判官

Wolfi rated 小蘑菇 as equally easy as 判官

spodds rated 沉默的真相 as easier than 判官

spodds rated 长安的荔枝 as harder than 判官

Wolfi rated 全职高手 as easier than 判官

Wolfi rated 大林和小林 as easier than 判官

Wolfi rated 老男人 as easier than 判官


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