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中原江湖,“老伯”孫玉伯的孫府與萬鵬王的十二飛鵬幫相互對峙。老伯秘設基地“快活林”的老大高寄萍,因惱怒老伯的遺棄,一方面派其心腹四大殺手暗殺老伯,另一方面聯絡心生反叛的兩大勢力副手律香川、屠大鵬,挑起互鬥和內亂,以收漁翁之利,並最終遂其獨霸江湖的野心。 Wuxia story about an assassin who doesn't really want to be an assassin, and is assigned a near impossible mission.


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