Susan You Mafan!
Susan is caught on the treadmill of life in her boring town — dealing with an obsolete computer, a nagging mother, and that nice guy at the ValuMart who just doesn’t know she exists. Until one day, that is — when a chance errand brings her family som ...
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Byamee rated Susan You Mafan! as easier than Mandarin Companion: 安末 (Emma) [Simplified Chinese]
Byamee rated Mandarin Companion: 我们是朋友吗 (Just Friends?) [Simplified Chinese] as easier than Susan You Mafan!
Byamee rated Susan You Mafan! as easier than 开端
Byamee rated Mandarin Companion: 猴爪 (The Monkey’s Paw) [Simplified Chinese] as harder than Susan You Mafan!
Byamee rated Susan You Mafan! as easier than Mandarin Companion: 六十年的梦 (The Sixty Year Dream) [Simplified Chinese]
Byamee rated Susan You Mafan! as easier than Mandarin Companion: 江可和黑德 (Jekyll and Hyde) [Simplified Chinese]
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