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1944年伪满统治下的哈尔滨,伪装成铁路巡警的地下党宋卓文(秦昊 饰),被特务科科长关雪(杨幂 饰)误认为自己的救命恩人——其实是卓文失散多年的双胞胎哥哥宋卓武(秦昊 饰)。卓文为查清关东军课长浅野大吾(矢野浩二 饰)来哈尔滨的最高任务,将计就计利用关雪进入特务科,可是宋卓武却突然出现,使卓文陷入始料未及的困境。关雪冷血多疑,心狠毒辣,卓武生性冲动,经常无意间破坏卓文的行动,在上级的安排下,才使得两兄弟相互配合,彼此掩护,经历数次的试探,避开特务科内部同事的明争暗斗,终于取得关雪和日方高官的信任 ...


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  • First Published – 4/20/2024
  • Episodes – 40
  • Seasons – 1
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    y rated 哈尔滨一九四四 as easier than 甄嬛传

    y rated 哈尔滨一九四四 as easier than 俪凰传


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    (Tip: watch it on olevod.com (streaming platform) for free if you don’t have 优酷 or the membership on YT)

    Overall a pretty solid drama set in 1944 Harbin, Manchuria (Japanese puppet state) that tells the story of CCP undercover agent 宋卓文, who makes his...

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