Various readers to read after finishing Familia Romana
#1A Primer of Medieval Latin: An Anthology of Prose and Verse
#2The Lover's Curse: A Tiered Reader of Aeneid 4
#3Pugio Bruti - A Crime Story in Easy Latin
#4Ad Alpēs: A Tale of Roman Life
#5Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles
#6Pro Patria: A Latin Story for Beginners, Being a Sequel to 'Ora Maritima,' With Grammar and Exercises
#7Ora Maritima
#8Lingua Latina per se Illustrata: Pars II: Roma Aeterna
#9Fabulae Syrae: Graecorum Romanorumque fabulae ad usum discipulorum Latine narratae
#11Epitome Historiae Sacrae: Brevi Christi Vitae Narratione Addita