Supercharge your language journey

Lingotrack is the social platform for you as a language learner to track your progress and find engaging new media.

radar line area
collection (light) pie

Uncover captivating foreign content

Our powerful crowdsourced database makes discovering engaging, level-appropriate material a breeze.

Track progress seamlessly

Automated daily tracking, intuitive visualizations, and advanced filters let you effortlessly monitor your learning.

Connect with fellow learners

Share progress updates, conquer reading challenges, and engage in media reviews within our vibrant community.

Cumulative hours tracked thus far
Media articles in our database
Enthusiasts revolutionizing their learning

A comprehensive tool...

Whether you're here to log your time learned, track media consumed, find new content, or just see what other learners are up to, Lingotrack's near-limitless adaptability has you covered.

  • Discover accessible media, from TV to manga
  • Detailed, visualization-packed dashboard
  • Log activity with one-click actions
  • Content collections ordered by difficulty
  • Customizable public profile

...and active community

This platform is home to learners of all shapes and sizes, and we make connecting with them incredibly easy. From day one, Lingotrack was built with the goal of fostering a social learning environment.

  • Follow other users for progress updates
  • Compete on weekly leaderboards
  • Tackle reading or watching challenges together
  • Share your learning with journal entries
connected world

Exceptionally learner-first in nature

Here are just a few of the things that make Lingotrack different

A broad approach

Other platforms often zero in on a single type of media, but we embrace a wide variety of content types.

Search through our database

Learner-targeted metadata

Native platforms lack crucial details like unique word counts, ease-levelled lists, or difficulty ratings. We don't.

Explore ease-arranged collections

Truly effortless tracking

Whether via one-click actions, auto-updating goals, or GPT integration, you can gain insights with just a few minutes per week!

View recent activity logs

Level up your experience with Pro

While Lingotrack's core functionality is free — and always will be — we offer an inexpensive subscription plan for those seeking to take their learning to the next level.

Monthly billing Yearly billing (2 months off )




  • Unlimited activity & media logging
  • Unlimited collections
  • Advanced graphs & statistics
  • Track one language
  • Verbally log progress via AI
  • Access the in-site stopwatch
  • Custom images for media
  • Image-based journaling
  • Customizable profile
  • Pro badge in all results
  • Vanity collection URLs
Get Started
Most Popular



/month (USD)

  • Unlimited activity & media logging
  • Unlimited collections
  • Advanced graphs & statistics
  • Track unlimited languages
  • Verbally log progress via AI
  • Access the in-site stopwatch
  • Custom images for media
  • Image-based journaling
  • Customizable profile
  • Pro badge in all results
  • Vanity collection URLs
Become Pro


Learners in the know love what we are building here

An aesthetic delight

"Wow, it's looking real clean, great work!

I'm also all about tracking stats, but this puts my little Google Sheet to shame."

profile pic
Advanced Chinese learner

Above and beyond

"[A] vast improvement on what's out there right now."

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Learning 🇯🇵, 🇸🇪, 🇰🇷, and 🇩🇪

A social platform in disguise

"Really interesting! And a good way to meet more people who like the same genres as you."

Chinese literature fanatic

Built with learners in mind

"Pretty fantastic! It's a convenient space for people to interact in, and the design is great.

Super pleased to be your first user~"

Visiting scholar at Cornell

Impressive organization

"Looking great! You should be proud."

profile pic
Studier of Polish

Great for friends and groups

"Sounds amazing! ... [A] social database sounds like nerd librarian heaven 😁

We can all see what other users are up to, and have easier discussions / recommendations and form mini book clubs. Especially if you know a fellow user is at your level — [it becomes] easier to find appropriate stuff."

profile pic
Webnovel reader extraordinaire

Insightful for goal-setting

"Learners always ask how long does it take to get to X, so having a platform where you can see other's progress, where they are currently, what media/learning content they're consuming, how much time they've spent on X skill... is going to be a big hit!"

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Stats-obsessed software engineer

Mindblowing feature list

"This is so interesting omg."

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怡秋 — ada
Dabbler of languages

Your personal bookshelf

"Wow, exciting!

Can't wait to see the library side of it all."

profile pic
Trilingual librarian-to-be

Frequently asked questions